
Monday, 10 December 2018

Dine and dance
on Wednesday the senior kids went to the dine and dance witch is is a year 8 leaves dinner first we had a big feast with meat salad and more we had to dance until 9 o'clock it was really fun me and my friends were having fun and eating cake.
we were dancing forever.     

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Today we were debating on ten year old kids driving cars. Debating means agreeing and disagreeing. Our class was debating on ten year old kids can drive cars. I agreed on this statement because why cant kids drive and why can adults.
There were a lot of people on the opposite side to me they were all saying it was to dangerous for kids. I was trying to persuading my teacher to believe me and my associates. I was arguing with my class mates. we were descusing on how they would see and drive
Till this day i still think ten year old kids can drive.           

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Walt:add subtract decmals
Today we were working on a maths sheet with a lot of decimals questions. We had to add and subtract decimals and practice our place value we had two buckets of questions that we had to answer. Then we had to do some word questions.
Today I learnt how to subtract decimals. And the things I liked about was it was fun and challenging. My next steps are to find a faster way to solve the problem.         

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Manaikalani film festival


Today the Kia Manawanui went to the Manaiakalani film festival. There were a lot of schools there because we were going to the movies so we can watch other schools movies.

 These movies were to inspire young ones to be good in the future. The things I liked the most was the our school videos. The thing I learnt was to always to pick up your rubbish or the rubbish monster will eat you.   

Monday, 29 October 2018

Flag football

Today we went to kiwi sport and we were learning how to play flag football. Our coaches names were coach Will and coach Karl. They play football while we were with them we were learning how to pass and to catch the ball after we done some drills we played a game of flag football it was hard because we weren't aloud to run with the ball. you were only aloud to pass like a rugby ball we had to pass over hand. The things I found challenging was to get the ball across the feld without runing. The things I learnt was how to pass and catch a football.
Thats kiwi sport for this week.       
Image result for football

Reading test

Image result for bookToday we done a reading test that took us 45 minutes. This was my first reading test on a netbook. The test was very long we had to do 37 questions and answers.
when I was finished the test we had to check back our work Three times so we make sure we have answered all of the questions.
But then while i was checking back my work i went to far back and deleted the hole test.
The thing i learnt was not to go to far back without checking.     

Friday, 19 October 2018

abstract art

Today we were learning about what kinds of technology people use for abstract art. There are a lot of different technology people use for art. Here are some of the tools that people use like pencils and pens rulers and erasers. Thees are some of the basic technology that people use in your every day art.
Image result for abstract art
We are learning what types of technology we use for abstract art.Because we are going to the Te Tuhi art gallery so we can learn more about art. The things I learnt today is that abstract art is different to other arts and crafts.
The thing I found challenging was finding different kinds of technology.        

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Today we were learning about abstract art. Because we are going to the art gallery, which is called the Te Tuhi art gallery so we can learn about abstract art which is art that is not like a normal painting.Because it looks like shapes and colours splatted on a paper.
When we go to the art gallery we are going to be learning about different kinds of art.Today I learnt what abstract art is and what it looks like    
Image result for abstract art

Monday, 15 October 2018

My firs blog reflection for tearm 4 2018

Image result for sky diveOn the school holidays I went skydiving and it was scary but fun at the same. I went with my uncle an aunty and I was falling from the sky and my eyes were getting watery and I was really high up in the air I was scary I thought I was going to die but I diffident as you are reading my blog. 
Image result for foodThe next week of my holidays was more exiting I went to my cousin house and saw all of my famaliy and friends at my aunty house we had cake chocolate and loots of other food and games.Well that was my hloidday I hope you enjoyed. This tearm I am looking forward to learning new things like decimals. Because it can help me in my future.